To the islands! That is a rather brilliant thought. It truly is. The islands have so much to o er that there is plenty of idyllic island vibe to go around all year.
This year, Saaremaa, Muhu and Ruhnu hold mighty celebrations for the Year of Vikings. After all, the fi nding of the Salme burial ship has given us reason to rewrite the entire history of Vikings in Europe. And we are mighty hap- py when visitors come and take a look at our Viking stronghold.
Come, don’t be scared – it is safe now! Honestly, we now even have a sign that says exactly that: “It is safe here!”. The companies that have the sign promise to take the very best care of you and do everything to keep the evil virus at bay!
And that special feeling. You know, when the ferry on the horizon draws closer and closer to Muhu Island or when you spot the beautiful islets from a plane window. That feeling cannot be expressed in words and does not even fi t within our human hearts. It needs air and space. Exactly what the islands have in abundance. The best way to describe it would be that the islands put a spell on you. Just as it happened to me and now I live on Muhu for good.
The a able approach and the attitude “there is always a way”. The locals carry a silent but unwavering pride. They hold their back straight and their head high, as if they had an invisible coif or a hat to wear at all times. That is how proud they are of their culture and heritage which are as motley as their folk dresses. Each of our islands has its own customs and traditions, its own dishes and history. And who could beat the island humour!
If you do not manage to discover all the islands in one trip, come again! Next time, you could even go back via Hiiumaa to make your island pleasures last longer. We welcome both visitors and settlers with open arms. What a story, isn ́t it?
Helina Andruškevitšus
Visit Saaremaa